Supporting Your Rising Senior: Why Your Student Should Write Their College Personal Statement During the Summer
As the summer season unfolds, parents of rising seniors grapple with the impending coll...

Avoiding College Transfers Can Help Save on College Costs
When students transfer colleges, they most likely will end up paying more for college...

Evaluate MAJOR during the college planning process and before committing to a college
One of the key criteria students consider when applying to college is their major. Stu...

Make a Plan! Reduce Stress During the College Admissions Process
One of my favorite places to go is Walt Disney World! There is so much to do and so m...

Top Reason Students Pay More for college and what to do about it!
Student loan debt continues to be high, and now, with the pandemic, students are even ...

Your Application Should Tell a Story
What does it take to get into college these days? When we were growing up, admission c...

Three Things To Set Your Student Apart
Colleges receive thousands of applications every year from students with excellent cr...

College Admissions and COVID-19
Although it might feel like we’ve been living in a vacuum the last several months, sch...